Kennedy Bradley, B.S., M.P.H.

Headshot of Kennedy Bradley

Prior Degree(s)
Bachelor of Science in Health Science

Dr. Bernard Fuemmeler

Capstone Title
Associations between Cancer Diagnosis and Substance Use: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults

  • Awards Received/Special Achievements
    One of my major academic achievements is having the opportunity to serve as a co-author for a study that was published in the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation journal titled: An examination of social and environmental determinants of secondhand smoke exposure among non-smoking adolescents. I am very proud of this experience as this was my first opportunity to serve as a co-author on a published manuscript. I have also had the opportunity to help conduct literature reviews for various public health related topics, which was a rewarding experience as it helped to strengthen my research skills.
  • Another major accomplishment was being able to work at a state health department during an ongoing pandemic. While this experience had its challenges, I was not only able to gain first-hand experience, but I was also able to help various local health districts with containment efforts.

Publications and Presentations

  • Title: An examination of social and environmental determinants of secondhand smoke exposure among non-smoking adolescents. Journal: Tobacco Prevention and Cessation
  • Authors: Elizabeth K. Do, Kennedy C. Bradley, Kendall Fugate-Laus, Kiranpreet Kaur, Matthew S. Halquist, Laure Ray, Michell A. Pope, Rashelle B. Hayes, David C. Wheeler, and Bernard F. Fuemmeler Publication date: 2021 Mar 12. DOI: 10.18332/tpc/131875